About Me

I've had a love of writing since forever. Music became the focus for many years, but I finally returned to writing and now both play a major role in my life.

I have been a music teacher since 2003, most of those years spent as a high school band director. I finally became a full fledged writer in 2015. My love of music is shown in my books, all of which have some element of music. Also, since I work in a high school with teenagers, I can't help but to write YA. I write what I know!

I started dabbling in writing children's picture books when I was on a noveling break in 2018. In 2019, I really got into it, and now picture books are a big part of who I am as a writer. You can find my picture book blog at larissaelliottbooks.blogspot.com.

I am a wife and mother, and a Jesus follower. Not all of my works have a religious element, but all are clean and are based on good morals. I write things that I would be proud for my children and my students to read. I hope you are inspired by my writing as God has inspired me.

   Follow me on Twitter   @lara_d_writer
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lara.d.elliott/


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