"Gold Star"

You're awesome!
You get a gold star!
Display it on the fridge.
A plus!
Honor roll!
Top of the class!
Graduate with honors.
Get to work.
Be on time.
Repeat tomorrow.
Here's your paycheck.
I do a good job
Day in, day out
With no recognition.
Where's my gold star?
This piece was written at 3:00 in the morning, after a couple hours of sleeplessness, stress, and tears. The problem with caring too much about grades and praise from teachers is that you don't get that in real life. I get appreciated in thank you cards from my students. But I'm in a position that doesn't make it easy to receive any professional accolades. Many of my friends in the same field as me have earned professional accolades. Their position makes it possible and they've done a great job. I just wish that doing a good job in my position could get some recognition too every once in a while.
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