
As a musician, I learned to seek perfection. One wrong note can ruin a performance, so musicians seek to perform with 100% accuracy. Not just good. Perfect. On the other hand, I have heard that perfection is an ever-receding goal. It's like chasing the horizon. So, I have ingrained in me a desire for perfection without the ability to reach it. What a bummer!

I think we all have some sort of desire to be perfect. One of my "friends" online posted her before and after pics. She went from skinny to skinnier! Sheesh. If she can't be happy with her size 1 body, how can I be happy with my (much bigger) size? I hear teenagers talking all the time about how they're fat or ugly or dumb or untalented.

In my writing life, I have surrounded myself with peers who are in the same endeavor--to write a great book. So many authors talk about how their work stinks! Even famous writers of books studied in English class have fallen into the belief of "my books are rubbish."

Well, today I had a moment of thinking, "Why bother? I'm no good." I wanted to quit. I wanted to quit writing--my books are trash. I wanted to quit teaching--I'm no good. I wanted to retire--but that was unrealistic. I wanted to get a new job in construction--anything else I'm good at wouldn't make enough money...

I'm still in a funk, but I don't think I'm going to quit--writing or teaching. I think having these feelings of insecurity can be a booster to want to be better. So what if perfection is an ever-receding goal? What about just being great? What about striving for excellence?

Cheer up. You're fine just the way you are. If you have the desire to be better, go for it. If you're happy where you are, great! Whatever you do, don't quit. Don't despair. None of us will ever be "perfect". (Yeah, I'm writing as much to myself as I am to you.)

(Originally Posted April 20. 2016)

You can read more about my journey with self doubt and depression in these related posts.


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