My Story

Have you heard the song "My Story" by Big Daddy Weave? It has been my anthem this past year. The fall of 2015 was when I was called to write seriously. There was a period when I was questioning whether to put God in my stories. I pondered this often in the car while I listened to Christian radio. Every time I had the question in my heart, the song "MyStory" came on which basically says "If I told you my story, I would tell of Jesus." God was answering my question. He wanted me to put Him in the story.  

Flash forward a year. This week has been trying. Lots of struggles in home life, work life, and writing life. I asked God for a song to be played on the radio to help me through ("Thy Will" by Hillary Scott). He didn't give it to me. On the verge of depression, I considered throwing in the towel with my writing. I have too much to learn to be good. I have too much else in my life that needs my attention. What is the point? Why write if it's never going to amount to anything? But, today on my way home--after months of not hearing it--I heard the song "My Story". He didn't give me the song I asked for, but He gave me the song I needed to hear. I believe God was telling me not to give up. He wants His story told and for some reason, He has given me the task.

(Originally Posted January 18, 2017)

You can read more about my depression journey in these related posts.


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