Query Tracking

I'm a spreadsheet nerd. I love using spreadsheets to keep information organized! Too bad I can't "spreadsheet" the junk in my house, haha! One of the spreadsheets I use all the time is my query tracking spreadsheet. It lists all the agents I could possibly query and then has columns for what manuscripts I send them, when I sent it, and any responses I've received. After seeing others frustrated with trying to create their own spreadsheet, I went searching for templates. One template I found which is really nice is from the Sub It Club blog. There is other information about tracking your queries in the post. Check it out: SubItClub.com Another option to track your queries is using Query Tracker. They have a limited free tracker available, or an upgraded version for a fee. I love that you can see an agent's average response time. But beware, not every agent is listed in their database. Check it out: www.querytracker.net I also created my own spreadshee...