Successes of 2019

Children's author Julie Hedlund , challenged participants of her 12 Days of Christmas for Writers series to post SUCCESSES (rather than resolutions) on our blogs this year. It's easy to sit here and say I had no successes. Much of my year was spent applying for mentorships but not being selected, entering contests but not winning, querying agents but getting rejected. BUT, much of what I did this year is paving the way for future successes. So that makes what I did this year successful??? Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pexels Success #1: Revised half of two novels. I could look at this as "didn't finish" two novels, but the half that's done means I don't have to do it next year. Success #2: Wrote 12 picture book manuscripts. They're not all in query-shape, but a few are. I also have several started manuscripts that didn't get finished. I have a huge list of ideas that haven't come to life yet. Success #3: Community. As part of be...