Hang In There

I haven't posted in a while, so here's a quick update on what's going on. I tried revising my novels. Several of them. Nothing was really feeling like "the one." I even tried going back to an old manuscript to transpose it from 3rd person to 1st. I stalled on all my attempts to do anything novel related. So I stopped. I read a book. And another. I took a break. I stayed active on Twitter in the writing community. I chatted with my critique group. I did some beta reading for a friend. I think it was the beginning of May that an announcement was made for a picture book mentorship contest. It had been a while since I'd worked on any picture books, but it sounded like a good opportunity. Maybe I could write some more picture book manuscripts so I had some to choose from if I wanted to apply. Holy cow was I in for a ride! Over the next few days I wrote four drafts of new picture books! I tried rhyming. I tried unconventional composition. I was on a roll! ...