Good Enough

It's amazing how one person's words, while positive in intent and directed at another, can cause hurt. Has this has happened to you? Someone else is praised for their outstanding work (and deservedly so) but it makes you feel lesser? This past weekend my work team put our "product" out in public. An outsider publicly gushed over the team leader (who really is amazing), but completely ignored the existence of the rest of the team. As one of the ignored ones, it hurt. And I shouldn't let it get to me, but it's bringing up old feelings of not being important and not being good enough. It's really affecting me more than I care to let on. I often feel this way in the writing world too. Another writer posts on social media about their success--they got an agent or won a contest or signed a book deal. And I'm over here jealous and feeling like I'll never be good enough. But I need to stop. That writer who scored the book deal took many years of hard...