Pitch Wars #BoostMyBio

Some of you may have read my bio post earlier this year, but here is more about me and my writing! First of all, I am a wife and mommy. At the time this post goes live, I will be in the hospital having kiddo #3. And yes, I am enough of a Harry Potter geek that, of the window given me by the doctors, I chose July 31st, Harry Potter's birthday, to have my daughter. (Honestly, it is maybe the only reason I'm okay with being basically forced into a c-section). And for those of you trying to do the math, the timing works out that I was newly pregnant for the entirety of NaNoWriMo and still managed to bang out 50,000 words (though you can read my post on how I kind of cheated here ). My day job is a high school band director. My maternity leave means that I will miss a big chunk of the marching band season, which I'm kinda sad about, though I won't miss the 50 hour work weeks during this busy time of year. I'll be enjoying the air conditioning instead, and some qu...