God Moments

In a book I'm reading, the characters mention the God moments in their life. Little ways that God has shown himself. I've mentioned several of my moments in previous posts. Here's another. Yesterday, on the way home from work, the Christian radio station I usually listen to was playing the same song yet again. I just wasn't in the mood. I flipped to the other Christian radio station on my presets and they were also playing something I didn't want to listen to. I have Christian CDs in my car and I just wasn't in the mood to listen to those same songs again. I changed the station to pop music. I used to listen to it a lot. I used to sing along to the worldly songs (leaving out the bad words cause I've always been a goody two shoes). I used to laugh at the DJs and their inappropriate jokes. The first pop song I heard yesterday was really good. A slow duet about love. The next one was awful. Dirty lyrics and not even a good beat or melody. The next one ...