"Green Monstrosity"

Here is the last of my magazine entries that didn't get accepted. Saved it for the season. This one was written for the 100 words or less challenge. Enjoy! “What is that?” Pauline shed her coat and pointed at the green monstrosity by the front window. Dave’s face scrunched. “What? The Christmas tree?” “I mean the mangled mess of wire and green plastic. You can’t have my parents over with that sitting in the living room.” “There’s nothing wrong with my tree. I’ve had that since college. It’s a tradition to put it up after the Turkey Bowl.” Dave lovingly stroked one of the branches. Several needles fluttered to the floor. “Dummy. My dad is a Christmas tree farmer. He will be insulted and appalled.” “Oh.” The doorbell rang. Did you check out my other magazine rejections? Read them here and here .