Latest Cover

Okay, I needed something upbeat in my feed, so I thought I should share the rough cover I came up with this week for my "Uncrushed" novel-in-progress. The novel is mostly written, but I got stuck around the end and I just wanted another set of eyes to give me some feedback. So, I created an ebook for my beta reader. However, I like having something other than the generic placeholder cover that the program provides. Thus, the "Uncrushed" cover was born, and here it is. Please note that this is just a cover concept for a rough draft ebook. In no way do I intend on making this the cover for when it's published for real. It's just something fun to do. I have sketched out some covers before ( see here for the covers of "Eyes on Natalie" and "Eyes for Benny") but this one uses a stock photo that I edited. I love the Pixabay and Pexels websites for free stock photos. Those sites are where I get almost all of my blog photos. Thank you to...