"Good Different"

My little brother is…different. Joshie wasn’t always the way he is. His baby pictures are just as chubby and smiley as any of us. It wasn’t until his fourth birthday that he started to wither. His muscles just stopped growing. He just kept getting skinnier and skinnier. By the time he was five, Mom and Dad were sad all the time, but Joshie kept smiling. Even when they got home from one of his doctor appointments and Mom’s eyes were all red and puffy, Joshie was ready to play. He couldn’t run anymore, but he always won Checkers and Go Fish. That summer, Mom and Dad sent me to camp and our baby brother, Sam, went to Grandma’s house. “Give Joshie a big hug because when you get back, he’ll be different.” Dad put a hand on Joshie’s shoulder and waved me over. I was confused, but Joshie gave one of his silly smiles. “It’s going to be all right,” he said. I was so excited to be home from camp that I almost forgot about Mom’s warning. She met me at the front door, an...